Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Watchful God - Psalm 121

Presented at the Essex--Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Psalm 121 teaches us to look to the hills to see where our help comes from. The Psalmist reminds us that our help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth... He also tells us that God does not slumber or sleep, but continually watches over us and promises to safeguard us.

As a husband, I feel obligated to be the protector of my home. Before I go to bed at night, I ensure all the doors are locked and that it is safe for my wife. I even stay awake in bed for a short while after all the lights are out listening to the sounds and wondering if any evil lurks in the shadows. However, I ultimately fall asleep. I pray that if something ever happens I would be quick to wake up and stand guard. God, on the other hand, never sleeps. His watch is constant over our lives. This does not mean, however, that our lives will be free from trial or difficulty.

In the Gospels, Jesus instructed His disciples to cross over to the other side of the sea while he went up the hill to pray. As they crossed the waters, they encountered strong winds and rough waves. Jesus saw their distress and walked across the water to meet them. They were terrified, thinking they had seen a ghost. Jesus quickly calmed their fears and as He stepped into the boat with them the storm died down.

Sometimes, the Lord allows us to see the storms in our lives so that we can see Him bring the calm. The presence of the storm does not meant he absence of His watchfulness and protection. In those times, we can have peace in the midst of the storm, knowing that God will bring shelter in His time.

New Format

Dear Readers,

Last year, this blog functioned as a sounding board for my daily devotional thoughts, in hopes that while I was preaching on spiritual intimacy with God, people would be encouraged to do their own devotional thoughts. However, that season has come and gone and I trust people are engaged in devotional reading without my daily thoughts. Therefore, I want to change the focus of this much neglected blog. Instead of reporting my daily thoughts, I will be posting the thoughts and inspirations that come while preparing messages throughout the week. That way, if anyone misses church services, they can get the sermon notes and information from this blog. I pray it blesses you as you continue to follow God.

In Christ,

Pastor Josh

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Dear Readers,

I will not be posting my devotionals for a few days as I will be busy preparing for outreach ministry and will also be out of town.

Please use this time to think about what God is saying to you.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Come out of the World

Today's Reading: 2 Corinthians 6
In reading this passage of Scripture, we see the apostle plead with those to whom he is ministering. He hold nothing back! He is completely open as he describes the life he experiences for the Lord--full of valleys and mountaintops. All of this to tell the Corinthians that today is the day of Salvation and you must repent (turn away from) all those things that have kept them as part of the world.

What union can light have with darkness? What business can you have with the world? None, save that you reach out to the world with the news of Jesus as Paul did to the Corinthians. Christians today have much to repent over. We have allowed ourselves to become desensitized to the sins of the world and we have soiled our faith by the filth of everything around us. If we are to be effective in convincing others to come to Jesus Christ, we must first go to him ourselves and be cleaned off.

Today, make it your prayer to be cleansed. Like David following the conviction of Nathan over Bathsheba, Cry out to the Lord in repentance for a clean heart and a renewed spirit. Only then will we enjoy the true fellowship with the Lord as Paul had and will we be able to reach out to the world.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The High Price of Indifference

Today's Reading: Numbers 33:1-4
As I read these first few verses of Numbers 33, my first reaction is to praise God for his faithfulness to the Israelites. He had rescued them from the oppression of the Egyptians and miraculously paved the way for their deliverance. In the midst of this celebration, however, there is also a great sense of loss for the Egyptians. Can you imagine everyone having to bury their firstborn child? It is horrific.

The hardest realization for the Egyptians is that it all could have been avoided. What if Pharaoh's heart had yielded? What if the people of Egypt had said, "enough! We yield!" None of this would have been necessary. Unfortunately, the hearts of sin did not yield and most of the people of Egypt became indifferent. As a result, they had to be rudely awakened by so much loss and suffering.

Many people today choose to turn a def ear and a blind eye toward the cause of faith in the world. There are people oppressed by sin, persecuted for the faith, and lawmakers wildly forsaking the God of the people. While people remain indifferent to these things, God will not long wait before he brings judgement. Those who choose to be blind to the suffering will soon bring the suffering upon their own heads.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Your Turn

Today, I have a sectional council meeting in Kansas City, so I ran out of time to post my devotional this morning....However, you can still work through your own experiment in devotion.

Select a passage of Scripture to read through. Ask God to tell you what that passage means for you today. Listen for his voice....

I pray God blesses you as you seek him in his word!

Monday, August 31, 2009

"I give you my word."

Today's Reading: James 5:12
How many times have you been disapointed by someone breaking their word to you. Perhaps they agreed to go someplace with you and after eagerly anticipating the event, they let you down.

Recently I was called upon as a pastor to welcome a ministerial celebrity to my community. I confess, I was nervous about how such an event would go over in my small town. After a great deal of adu and commotion, the day finally came and several people gathered in a park to await his arrival. After a long time of waiting (several hours past due), a person comes to tell us that the man could not make it after all. The city was very disappointed and it gave a bad reputation to the person who was supposed to come since he made such a fuss about people being there to greet him.

James instructs us to let our word be true. Simply, he states, "Let your 'yes' be yes and your 'no' be no." This is not easy to do. However, many people depend on the validity of our word. If you cannot follow-through on your word, than it is better not to promise anything at all.