Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Come out of the World

Today's Reading: 2 Corinthians 6
In reading this passage of Scripture, we see the apostle plead with those to whom he is ministering. He hold nothing back! He is completely open as he describes the life he experiences for the Lord--full of valleys and mountaintops. All of this to tell the Corinthians that today is the day of Salvation and you must repent (turn away from) all those things that have kept them as part of the world.

What union can light have with darkness? What business can you have with the world? None, save that you reach out to the world with the news of Jesus as Paul did to the Corinthians. Christians today have much to repent over. We have allowed ourselves to become desensitized to the sins of the world and we have soiled our faith by the filth of everything around us. If we are to be effective in convincing others to come to Jesus Christ, we must first go to him ourselves and be cleaned off.

Today, make it your prayer to be cleansed. Like David following the conviction of Nathan over Bathsheba, Cry out to the Lord in repentance for a clean heart and a renewed spirit. Only then will we enjoy the true fellowship with the Lord as Paul had and will we be able to reach out to the world.

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